Providing Kansans With Guide Dogs
Training guide dogs costs $45,000 to $60,000 and there is a waiting list of 1-2 years before a person can get a dog. Raising money to train more dogs is the heart of Guiding Paws ICT’s mission.
Business Hiring Solutions
Workers who are blind or have low vision make up a skilled candidate pool that is largely overlooked. We are dedicated to educating businesses on the benefits of hiring these dedicated employees.
Into the Light is an immersive experience that allows participants to learn how to interact without sight and by using their other senses. A blind guide leads visitors in small groups through different settings in absolute darkness.
International Speaking
In a presentation tailored to your group, Andrew can speak about what hiring blind people can mean to them and to businesses, the experience of blind and visually impaired people in general, and his own personal experiences with his guide dogs.

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