Into the Light Experience & Presentation

Guiding Paws has developed this unique immersive experience here in Wichita, and is now bringing it to schools, colleges, businesses, and community events.

A guide leads visitors in small groups through different settings in absolute darkness in a custom trailer donated by our strategic partner Tactical Safety Solutions. Through this experience, visitors learn how to interact without sight but by using their other senses, as well as experience what it is like to be blind.

Guiding Paws founder Andrew Crane will also give a presentation on how his guide dog assists him as a blind person. Following the presentation, he will demonstrate how to use the cane and his guide dog to find a chair and other items that others might think he would need help with accessing.

People will see that disability does not mean lack of ability. The experience aims to change mindsets on disability and diversity , as well as increase tolerance for “otherness”.

Contact us if you’re interested in bringing Into the Light to your location!

photo of founder Andrew Crane standing in front of Guiding Paws' Into the Light trailer with with reps from sponsor Tactical Solutions

Guiding Paws ICT Get Moving (501c3 47-0999983)
250 W Douglas Avenue, Suite 120
Wichita, KS 67202